Thursday, February 21, 2008

4.04: Eggtown

Pre-Show Announcement: According to's credits for this episode, Harold Perrineau, better known as Michael (or Mike, if your name is James Ford) will be in this episode.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Super Cool Tutorial V2.0

To edit the actual post, sign in at the top right of the screen, this should take you to a landing page which should list our blog under "Manage Your Blogs", from here click "View Blog" which should display the blog as if you had just typed in the URL, at the bottom of each post next to the "Posted By King of Awesomeness at 00:00PM 0 Comments" should be a little pencil, click this it will take you directly to the editable (kind of like edible, no?) field, where you may type whatever you want except stuff that is defamatory towards me or Sawyer or Bearded Jack or Vincent or Ethan Rom or Aaron Howard Hughes.

4.03: The Economist


Most definitely the craziest episode of Lost ever. Ben at the end was somewhat predictable, however I thought it was Jack for an instant, I can only imagine how awesome it would have been to see a half-drunk Jack with a bushy beard treating Sayid, but I guess that dream will have to wait.

I also think there is some paranormal activity involved with the arrival of the rescuers, the Losties and everyone else on the island. Danny is like one of my new favorites, and I think the rocket and the difference in times from when the person on the boat says it lands and when it actually lands supports the time-space continuum (Is this how you actually spell "continuum" or just how John Mayer does?) theory.

Also, I had not thought about the possibility of Desmond getting off the island, but since he wasn't on the plane, he's not included in the "Oceanic Six", I do however think that Des (obligatory Charlie Beanbag brevity shoutout there) is going to be killed, especially since Naomi had that picture of him and Penny.

I don't understand the trade-off Sayid and John Locke had of Bryce Dallas Howard for the Ghostbuster and Kate, and I totally think Sayid was lying about Kate deciding to stay. I think that the GB and JL will get along well though since they are both creepers and love the mystifying elements of the island.

Friday, February 8, 2008

4.02: Confirmed Dead

so this was the craziest episode i've ever seen. i am like obbbsessed with the new sketchy plot line and why they care about that plane and why that anthropologist found a polar bear with a dharma something or other and why that miles person is such a creeper when it comes to ghosts. i dont even know! and ps not only can i not figure out how to change my font color but i also cannot and WILL NOT be orange

i can't figure out how to edit the post. i think that's how we'd be able to change our font color, instead of being relegated to the comments section like clah relegated charlie beanbag (i still don't get that, but i'm trying to evoke the feeling of us all being together; thus, ben's douchiness must be present) out of her tent.i'm not sure i loved this episode. i sort of feel like we don't need to hear anyone else's story... i am definitely interested in why the four of THEM are so interested in the island, and why oceanic (who i am beginning more and more to believe is either a. some weird researh-related sadistic cult or b. affiliated with the dharma project or c. both) handpicked them so deliberately for this mission. and did they know naomi would die? but the polar bear was AWESOME. my friend renee at work thinks that that was actually the polar bear that sawyer shot, and the fact that it is fossilized backs up a theory of hers that involves a time-space continuum. i'm not sure how i feel about this, but it is certainly interesting.

4.01: The Beginning of the End

ok so. i was reading lostpedia and they were saying that 815 was like all over this episodewhen they played horse jack only got HO (8-15)and apparently behind hurley in the mental institution when he was playing connect four there was some sort of statue or something behind him with HO. i just wanted to say that that's crazy and that ben probably already noticed it and would've shouted it out during the episode had we all been together.

wait are ellie and i supposed to post through comments or are we supposed to actually "blog?" am i a huge dork for putting that in quotes? anyway, regarding ellie's comment, ben and i didn't notice that but ben read it online, except i don't get how H-O translates to 8-15? is that their placement in the alphabet? okay, just answered my own question by counting on my fingies.p.s. who knew ben was funny in prose?

What's prose?

Super Cool Tutorial V1.0

Fellow dees, I have devised a format that I think everybody will enjoy. I'll start a new post, probably by 10:00pm EST every Thursday following Lost, it will be simple probably just the episode title and a picture from the episode (I'll make an effort not to use to many Sawyer shirtless ones, but no promises) because that will certainly elevate this blog to the next level. What that level is, don't ask. Next, I'll either post my reaction, etc. or just leave it. Since Blogger is owned by Google, it is super easy and user-friendly which means you should be able to edit the post itself and flap your digital gums about whatever you want. The super important thing is to not touch anything I have already put in as far as HTML or anything.

I also propose we each select a font color to post in, which can be selected by clicking the "T" with the colorful box next to it. For instance: I would like to be red, Allison might like to be pink or even brown, and Ellie will most certainly want to be orange, her favorite color.

In other words, goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow. I hate you.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Let's Do This, I'm a Weblog.

At first glance this may appear to be the nerdiest blog of all-time, oh wait, it is? Okay, anyways, my idea is that we can all post thoughts about our favorite show here, on a day-to-day basis. What's that you say? You both have jobs? And they consume time? Alright then, post whenever you please.

Consider this to be our virtual TV room, fully equipped with a brown leather couch, a Kitty (shop in peace) hair covered recliner, and the most uncomfortable, awkward chair in the world (Ellie, I think it's your turn). We can talk about our likes and dislikes in the previous episode, what we hope to happen, what we think will happen, or anything else semi-related to Lost.

That being said, I'm an idiot.