Thursday, February 14, 2008

4.03: The Economist


Most definitely the craziest episode of Lost ever. Ben at the end was somewhat predictable, however I thought it was Jack for an instant, I can only imagine how awesome it would have been to see a half-drunk Jack with a bushy beard treating Sayid, but I guess that dream will have to wait.

I also think there is some paranormal activity involved with the arrival of the rescuers, the Losties and everyone else on the island. Danny is like one of my new favorites, and I think the rocket and the difference in times from when the person on the boat says it lands and when it actually lands supports the time-space continuum (Is this how you actually spell "continuum" or just how John Mayer does?) theory.

Also, I had not thought about the possibility of Desmond getting off the island, but since he wasn't on the plane, he's not included in the "Oceanic Six", I do however think that Des (obligatory Charlie Beanbag brevity shoutout there) is going to be killed, especially since Naomi had that picture of him and Penny.

I don't understand the trade-off Sayid and John Locke had of Bryce Dallas Howard for the Ghostbuster and Kate, and I totally think Sayid was lying about Kate deciding to stay. I think that the GB and JL will get along well though since they are both creepers and love the mystifying elements of the island.

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